Rodleen Getsic
"A society organized
and run on the basis of
complete non-violence
would be the purest
anarchy." -Gandhi
a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.
فَقْدَان الحُكْم, अनार्च्य, anarchie, bezvládí, anarki, lovløshed, anarchie, anarhia, anarkia, anarchie, die Anarchie, αναρχία, anarchia, stjórnleysi, tanpa pemerintahan, anarki, anarchia, 無政府, 무정부 상태, anarhija, anarchija, anarki, lovløshet, anarchia, anarquia, anarquia, anarhie, анархия, anarchia, bezvládie, anarhija, anarquía, anarki, anarşi, 无政府状态, 無政府狀態。