Friday, December 1, 2006

Preserve Wildlife: Live One

Smokey Point, Washington
Rodleen Getsic

This week has been a wild one.

Prior Post to the Script: Dont get mad at me if I havent called you. Friends and former neighbors, please feel free to get in touch with me. I am truly whelmed with all of this that is ockering now. So, praytell. My email is and you may have my cell. So be in touch if you want to see me / talk to me. Let's see what is possible. I am in demand energetically right now. And it is my own fault line; a beautiful one at that.

So... Because of the snow I was stranded in Darrington (which was not so bad at all) with my dear friends---> Shannon White and her kids, Ivy White (10) and Dylan Landry (14)... We watched so many movies... We lounged and slept and played and talked. It was really nice, actually. Shannon introduced me to the welcoming addiction of the Moon Valley Lotion Bar. We kept rubbing it on our bodies while watching movies. I know it sounds strange, but if you get one, you will understand. It is really rad.

When I finally was able to get my truck back on the road and partially thawed out, I came to my family's house- The Giecek's - as you may know, a Polish last name pronounced “get-sic” - (Mawz, Pawz, my brother Rudy, and his wife Rhonda, and her brother Adam Veach...), where the power was out and it was freezing cold. They hadnt had power all week! This was yesterday- so Sunday through Thursday, NO POWER in icy cold freezing, snowy weather...! I withstood in my goose down and wool blankets (and a borrowed goose down coat from Dylan, THANKYOU!)... And, a talk with Chris Durfee who is in Los Angeles warmed up my senses in yesterday's chill.

After going to Starbucks yesterday morning, my truck all of a sudden went dead in the middle of the road. The Smokey Point neighborhood power was still out. Snow. Slush. Freeze. Tears. Blur. Ah! Power. I NEED POWER! “Power, Lord. Give me power, Lord!” Sister Gertrude Morgan sings.

Finally today I got my Jimmytruck onto the back bed of a large tow truck (because the keys are stuck in the ignition... the power is completely gone), and to a shop. This was just hours ago. The lady at the shop said she would call me in an hour or so. She hadnt called by 5PM, so I called her. The shop was closed. They open on Monday. I am stranded. In a mystery; not a misery. Definitely MYSTERIOUSNESS is going on here. For more reasons than afore mentioned.

I plan to head back to California at some point. Soon, actually. That is the plan.

Barlow is coming out for a Vanguard conference in Seattle. My girlfriend (Best Friend) Kirsha Kaechele is flying in from New Orleans, as well. Kirsha and I are destined to drive South together, maybe catching an EFF Board Meeting in SF on the way to Los Angeles.

Tho, IN DEED: everything is subject to ALTER.

AS I always say,
"We will see what time will bring."

Hey. By the way, my family is doing great up here. We all went to Amigo in Stanwood last night (Rudy, Pop, Mom, and I) and we ate Mexican food and drank Margaritas. Rudy works at Amigos every Saturday night, bouncing. Right now my parents are watching Star Trek, and I am sort of listening to it.

Somebody buy my pop's gorgeous piece of art:

It is practically a steal. I would buy it if I had a house to put it in.

I had a lot more to say, but now it is fleeting out of my head. I will continue those thoughts some other time. I will speak on Timothy Treadwell at some point. Wait. Maybe now is the time.

Reel Quick Like: The film entitled Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog is disturbing to an extreme, and obviously put together in a manner for shock value to the viewer. I am sure Mr. Treadwell is turning over in his grave at this horrifically negative exposure of his work on Earth. One can see the light of his genious, although the focus is elsewhere in this insensitive flick.

After almost two hundred hours of footage on the special lives of these grizzlies and other wild life; how it affected him as an explorer and a caring person; what message he was bringing to the world and our children; what he was protecting... All of these crucial points to consider, only to be exploited in a sad attempt to make a dramatic scene surrounding his death.

As you can tell, I am greatly moved my Timothy Treadwell, and one day I will like to see his film made. I do not take "Grizzly Man" with any salt. Salt is too lucky of an omen for Director Herzog’s stab at this body.

This is one of my goals: to get in touch with the person who has access to all of Treadwell’s precious work, and to put it together in a respectful way that he would be proud of. Ivy White agreed to join me in this mission. We have already brainstormed several ideas for this prospective project.

That is all for now. I send my love out to the world.


Dont debouch debauch. Santa Clause watches.


Rodleen said...
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Rodleen said...

The current ebay auction for Pop's painting that was mentioned above is just about to end. The painting is called "Big Wild". It is a gorgeous watercolour collage, vibrant with texture and early sunrise hues. Like the majority of his fine art pieces, it reflects the Pacific Northwest wilderness in a unique, motional way.

Find his work on


Rodleen said...

.....this should be the right link to get to the footage my pop took of the snow in their front yard.

I think the voice you can hear is Rhonda.
